What is holistic medicine- this is a traditional way of healing that incorporates the individual’s overall health. A holistic doctor typically aims to heal a person by considering their mind, body, emotions, and spirit. The main purpose of holistic medicine is to help people achieve optimal health by unlocking the secrets of a properly balanced life.
Brief History
It is believed that holistic medicine is an ancient form of healing that started in China and India. Holistic medicine practitioners introduced the healthy way of living by being one with nature. Even the great philosopher Socrates has acknowledged this belief and recommended that healing an individual is a method that should include their whole body.
In 1926, Jan Christian Smuts used the term “holism” to describe the healing strategy where the whole body is viewed as greater than the total of its parts. The alternative treatment has become more validated from 1970 up to the present.
Principles Of Holistic Medicine
Apart from the belief that the whole body plays a vital role in healing a specific part, holistic medicine also holds o to its other principles.
Below are the principles that support holistic medicine:
- The main objective is to achieve optimal health. Regardless of the individual’s condition, being able to fully live is still achievable given that their physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, social, and overall health functions are well balanced.
- A holistic doctor believes in the essence of love. They always try to interact with their patients with the utmost kindness, grace, understanding, and love.
- The whole body is the main target. Holistic medicine practitioners highly believe that the body parts are interconnected, which means that if one part is damaged, the whole body will be affected. This also includes the person’s emotional and mental health.
- Holistic treatments include preventative measures. Practitioners aim to relieve the patient by managing the symptoms of the disease and preventing other factors to make the case worse. They intend to improve the patient’s way of living that creates wellness.
- The alternative treatment believes that each person has innate healing power. A holistic doctor helps in optimizing this capability to help a person reach the highest level of overall health.
- A holistic doctor may use different methods to treat a patient. They even use medication together with various holistic approaches.
- The relationship between the doctor and patient plays an integral part in the healing process.
- Unique care for each patient. Holistic medicine practitioners care for their patients according to their needs and illness. The approach that they use varies on the person’s body and health condition.
- Holistic doctors practice what they preach. They apply the holistic approach to themselves as well which makes it easier for them to determine if which method works best for patients.
- Aside from the treatments, they also help their patients achieve optimal health by giving advice and ways to live a better life.
Holistic Medicine Treatments
Practitioners use different methods in treating a patient. It may include conventional ways and medicines but the following treatments are most often used by doctors:
- Alternative treatments like physical therapy, acupuncture, chiropractic care, massage, naturopathy, and many more.
- Promoting wellness by educating the patient to make lifestyle changes. This strategy may involve diet, exercise, and counseling.
- Surgical procedures, if needed.
- Modern medication approaches.
Finding A Holistic Medicine Provider
Holistic doctors can be found almost everywhere. Most of them have a medical background and are doctors from different fields. Doctors at this well equipped medical centre in Southbank VIC advise to keep these things in mind if you are looking for a holistic medicine practitioner:
- Be cautious. As mentioned, it’s easy to find a holistic doctor nowadays, but the question is, are they good at what they are doing? Always ask for a recommendation from someone you trust or from someone that’s been treated through a holistic approach. This will help you decide if which doctor should you go to.
- Do your research. It does not end in finding the right doctor, once you get a recommendation, do thorough research about the doctor’s history, specialties, training, and experience. Know their capabilities to see if they are the perfect match for you.
- Once you get to know the doctor, consider your comfortability with them and their clinic. Always check if you are at ease and if nothing is bothering you. It is important for you to feel comfortable during the whole treatment process.
Location and schedule. See if the office is accessible to you and if their schedule does not have any conflicts with yours. You must have an ample amount of time with the doctor for each of your visits so that you can explain yourself well.
- Be prepared for many questions. They need to understand your condition fully so expect lots of questions to be asked during your initial visit. This will help them determine your personal needs and the necessary kind of treatment for you.
- Are they examining all factors? For the treatment to be deemed successful, the doctor must understand everything that links to your overall health. This means that they need to know your mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical state before introducing you to treatment.
Myths About Holistic Care
Now that we know the principles and treatments used in holistic medicine, it’s time to figure out the common myths about this alternative treatment. What most people don’t know is that holistic care is an effective way to treat patients just like conventional methods. Here are the common misconceptions about holistic medicine:
- It disregards modern medicine. While it may be true that most practitioners use natural resources in treating patients, they also integrate conventional medicine into their treatment procedures.
- It cannot treat disease. On the contrary, the holistic approach initially relieves the symptoms and starts the treatment from there. Unlike regular medical doctors, practitioners focus on the root cause of the problem as well as other factors that link to it.
- Holistic doctors are not professionals. This is one of the most common misconceptions about practitioners. Just like other medical doctors, they also had to go through training and educational practices in order to become holistic care providers.