Stimulates, disperses, or regulates the flow of the vital energy, or chi, to help bring about a balance of energy. Specific points along energy channels-the body’s vital pathways-relate to specific organs and systems of the body.
The practitioner manipulates these points with fine needles or the use of heat, cold, pressure, or minute electrical currents.
Acupuncture can heal:
Acne Rosacea
Alcololism Allegies Allergies with Runny Nose Allergies with Headaches Amenorrhea Arthritis Asthma Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Clogged Arteries, High Cholesterol Degenerative Joint Disease Depression Dermatology: Rash of Unknown orgin Ear Infection Endometriosis Endometriosis Espstein Barr Virus Headache Hives |
Interstital Cystitis Irritable Bowel Syndrome Leukopenia Multiple Sclerosis Menopause Menstrual Cramps Migraines Morton’s Neuroma Neck and Back Pain Post-Polio Syndrome Restless Leg Syndrom Sciatica Shingles Sinusitis Quit Smoking Ulcerative Colitis Weight Loss |